Krauter & Duftpflanzen - A good and big German garden shop. (Érdemes megnézni a katalógusukat !)
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Cross Country Nurseries
Cross Country Nurseries - The World's Largest Selection of Chile & Sweet Pepper Plants!
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Pepper Joe's Hot Peppers That Sizzle
"You can get wonderful hot peppers at Pepper Joe's"
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Reimer Seeds
We have over 3,500 quality flowers, herbs, and vegetable seeds for the home garden and market growers ...
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Redwood City Seed Company
We Ship our Seeds anywhere in the World!
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Johnny's Seeds
Our seed catalog features a wide variety of vegetable, flower, and medicinal and culinary herb seeds ...
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The Great Chilli Farm
The Great Chilli Farm - buy chili seeds, hot peppers, many chilli recipes, read about growing chillies, chile sauces and Just Eat It chilli clothing (Shipping to EU)
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Exotic Seeds La Palma
Small family driven company at the Canary Island La Palma
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Azienda Agraria Sperimentale STUARD
The famous Stuard chili garden in Italy, Parma with more than 240 varieties.
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Salsa Recipes
We have almost 200 salsa recipes for you to browse through from every imaginable combination of ingredients.
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Index Synonymique de la Flore de France
L'Index Synonymique de la Flore de France de Michel Kerguélen est une liste alphabétique des taxons de la flore spontanée et cultivée française, leurs synonymes et leurs hybrides.
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Edward E. Kahn Memorial Biblical Garden
Current botanical nomenclature is of comparatively recent origin and even today occasionally, authorities disagree on the proper classification and name for certain plants. Similarly, various translations of the scriptures use different names for plants mentioned in the Bible.
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Szent Hildegárd: Physica - Füvek Könyve
Szent Hildegárd: Liber Simplicis Medicinae (Physica)
avagy a Természet gyógyító erejének Füvek Könyve
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Landscaping HQ
Everything Landscaping, from aquatic landscaping
to Zen gardening.
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Chilies in Stochkholm
Interest pages of my big friend, Mats Pettersson from Sweden.
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Fatalii's chiles
Jukka in Finland is a serious chile pepper grower!
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Jakob Axelsson homepage
In the south of Sweden has lots of pictures and information about chile peppers
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Harry's homepages
Harry in Finland has a great site. Not only chile peppers, but also birds and other photos.
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Chilechicks homepage
My reason for making this site is to share my passion for chiles with the rest of the world....
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Scharfe Chilis & feurige Saucen
Scharfe Chilis & feurige Saucen
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The South American Capsicum - growing, eating and collecting South American chile peppers
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Rosemary Basil (City Peppers)
A container gardener from French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
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El Grande's Shrine
This page is dedicated to ChileHeads everywhere, with a lot of interest links
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Carl McCaskey
I have several links to various hot pepper-related sites as well as my own personal pepperhead page with reviews of many hot pepper sauces, fiery foods, cookbooks, etc. and my personal thoughts, comments and ideas on the topic of fiery foods and fiery peppers.
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This page is the home of my chilli pepper plants.....
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Lalitha & Michaels Chili-Garten Seiten
A very nice German chili fan page
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A site dedicated to providing all things chilli related - growing guides and advice, cooking ideas, recipes and much much more.
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Houston Hot Sauce Festival
The Original Houston Hot Sauce Festival is the HOTTEST annual event in the Gulf region. Always in September - this sizzling festival draws over 20.000 Chiliheads to the Arena burning to turn up the heat.
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National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show
The National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show is a unique business opportunity, providing both trade and consumer exposure. This show offers both volume selling to qualified wholesale buyers, as well as the chance to do market research, raise consumer awareness of your products, and to conduct retail sales during designated consumer hours.
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The Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite
The Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite
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This is the hot spot where you can find out about the goings-on of the Warriors of the Crimson Pepper. We also link you to hot spots around our Chili world.
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Accademia Italiana del peperoncino
The serious Italian chili club - Olaszország legkomolyabb chili klúbja
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The Chile Pepper Institute of New Mexico State University
The famous NMSU!
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International Chili Society - ICS
The International Chili Society (ICS) is a non-profit organization that sanctions chili cookoffs with judging and cooking rules & regulations.
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CAPSOR was created 20 years ago, following the publication of the book "Il Peperoncino:diavolo o santo?" (The chilli pepper: devil or saint?) written by Ettore Liuni. In this book were published the early studies about the therapeutic property of the chilli pepper...
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The Pepper Garden - by Dave Dewitt, Paul Bosland
"Peppers are finally getting credit for being among the most interesting and versatile plants grown..."
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Peppers of the World - by Dave Dewitt, Paul W. Bosland
An Identification Guide
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The Chile Pepper Encyclopedia - by Dave Dewitt
Everything You'll Ever Need To Know About Hot Peppers, With More Than 100 Recipes
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Growing and Using Hot Peppers - by Glenn Andrews
Storey Publishing Bulletin, a-170
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The Whole Chile Pepper Book - by Dave Dewitt, Nancy Gerlach
"WITH all due respect to Dr. Smith, a professor emeritus at the University of California and one of the most distinguished researchers of chile peppers,..."
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Salsa Express
Your source for gourmet fiery foods, Hot Sauce, Salsa
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Hot Sauce at PyroPepper Gourmet
Shop the largest online assortment of Hot Sauces and Gifts from around the world. At PyroPepper.com it's easy to find your favorite Hot Sauce or to try something new.
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Tears of Joy Hot Sauce Shop
Tears of Joy Hot Sauce Shop is the premium sauce shop in Austin, specializing in the local sauce scene as well as the classics from around the world.
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Pepper-King Hot Shop
Hot Shop is called Pepper-King and will be opened in December of 2005.
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Chili Pepper T-Shirts from Curious Inkling
Chili Pepper t-shirts that are hot with fiery color. These are the sexiest tee shirts you can find. Knock-out colours and artful design makes this a must have shirt collection for chile pepper fans.
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Western Wildcat Lost Recipe Gourmet Salsa Products
WildCat Salsa, Soaking Sauce and More!
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Mild to Wild Pepper & Herb Co
Gourmet quality hot sauces and spices with many awards (2003 Houston Hot Sauce Festival
"People's Choice- Best in Show" ...)
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The Original Pennsylvania Pickle Company
Dear fellow pickle people, May all your days be filled with peace, love, prosperity and plenty of " Original Pennsylvania Pickles"
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The Cackalacky Classic Condiment Co. is also the proud recipient of many, many nationally acclaimed awards - including Chile Pepper Magazine's Fiery Food Challenge, the prestigious Scovie Awards, the famously daunting Texas Fiery Foods Shoot-Out competition, was voted "The Real Best" by Independent Weekly Magazine's readership poll, and more!
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"Hike Naked; Splash Through Puddles; Put Hot Sauce on All Your Food." - Ian Anderson says FireGirl is one of his favorite web sites. (Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull).
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Tahiti's Hot Sauces
Welcome to Tahiti's Hot Sauces, the makers of a delicious full line of award winning, all-purpose gourmet hot sauces made with honey & fresh clam juice, habanero, and mango.
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Hatch Chile Festival
Every year more than 30,000 raving chile fanatics converge on the tiny village of Hatch (increasing the population by nearly 28,000), the Chile Capital of the World, for this Labor Day weekend festival.
Events include a chile cook-off, chile roasting, a parade culminating with the coronation of a Chile Queen, chile pod competition, carnival rides and fiddling contests. Get there by 10 a.m. on Saturday or you'll miss out. As for lodging, you might want to look into Los Cruces, Truth or Consequences, or Deming, NM, for reservations as the village of Hatch only has 2 motels.
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Gecko Garry's Fiery Foods
Gecko Gary’s Inc. was founded on October 1, 1999. The Scottsdale, Arizona based company distributes its own brand of hot sauces, Gecko Gary’s Roasted Red Pepper Sauce, OUCHipotle and Thai Juan On.
It also manufactures its own Barbecue Sauce, Salsas and Spice blend.
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Habby Habanero's
We offer a number of unique sauces, all developed with taste foremost in mind. ...
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Uncle Brutha Gourmet Foods
The world is discovering what hot and spicy foods aficionados have known for a long time: great-tasting food comes from many cultures....
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Szegedi Paprika Rt.
English and Hungarian contents about Hungarian spice pepper product
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Tabasco - McIllhenny Company
Not only do they have great sauce, but you can get an Avery Island screen saver and some cool computer wallpapers. Not only that but you can also order all sorts of Tabasco merchandise.
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Kato's Saucehouse
Kato Productions is the creation of Mick and Rita Pinckney. Kato Productions is proud to announce that our original Kato's Island Sauce won 1st place in the 2001 Scovie awards in the habanero hot sauce category.
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Jardine Foods
Jardine Foods has been producing premium-quality Texas foods since 1979. For us, Southwestern flavors are not a trend, they are a way of life. We have a wide variety of foods that your family will love, from classic traditional-style Texas recipes, to exciting variations on Southwestern themes.
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Cocina deVega, Inc.
Cocina deVega, Inc. - Mesquite tree products and Chiltepin Peppers
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Paprika, Fûszerpaprika - GATE Kertészeti Tanszék
Hungarian content - Általános információk a paprika, fûszerpaprika fajokról, termesztésükrõl, betegségeikrõl, kártevõikrõl ...
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Miért csíp a paprika?
Hungarian content. Education in Chemistry - Molekulamagazin
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Kajtár Márton - Miért piros a paprika?
A magyar paprikát a világon mindenütt ismerik. Van csípõs és van édesnemes, de – ami a fõ – a paprika piros, mint a rubin ...
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Országos fogyasztóvédelmi egyesület
Az egyes zöldségek részletes ismertetése - Paprika
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A paprika palántanevelése
Kassai Tamás – Tornyai Tibor
SZIE Kertészeti Technológiai Tanszék, Gödöllõ
Sokan felismerték, hogy a jó minõségû palánta alapfeltétele az eredményes paprikatermesztésnek...
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Fûszerpaprikák magyarországon
Capsicum annuum L. convar. longum (DC) Terpó - fûszerpaprika fajták magyarországon (SZIE Kertészettudományi Kar)
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Étkezési paprikák Magyarországon
Capsicum annuum L. - étkezési paprika fajták magyarországon (SZIE Kertészettudományi Kar)
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Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Intézet Rt.
A Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Intézet legnépesebb csoportja étkezési paprika nemesítésével foglalkozik...
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De Ruiter Seeds
A DE RUITER SEEDS Kft. 1992-ben alakult a holland De Ruiter Seeds C.V. magyarországi leányvállalataként.
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S&G Vegetables
"Zöldség fajtaválasztékunkkal illetve virágvetõmag és palánta kínálatunkkal szeretnénk a sikeres és jövedelmezõ növénytermesztéshez hozzájárulni!"
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Holland Vetõmag Kereskedelmi Kkt.
Cégünk 1989 óta mûködõ vetõmagkereskedõ cég, mely kizárólag profi árutermelõ kertészek minõségi vetõmagjainak kereskedelmével foglalkozik...
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Magyar családi honlapok
"Ezen a lapon helyet biztosítunk azoknak a kutatott családoknak, amelyek már rendelkeznek családi weboldallal és azoknak is, akik még nem készítettek családi honlapot."
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Családfakutatók információs oldala
"... ha egyszer eléd kerül egy háromszáz éves anyakönyv, a maga tiszteletreméltó történelem-illatával és nehezen kibetûzhetõ ákom-bákomaival, olvasni próbálod, és lassan kibontakozik lelki szemeid elõtt õseid falujának sorsa ..."
Ezzel bizony én is így voltam!
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