Desert Sage
A beautiful shrub, sub-shrub 2-3ft. It has gray foliage and deep, deep blue flowers (bracts). It needs perfect drainage (native on sand, volcanic rock to decomposed granite) and no water after established. This is the sage of riders of the purple sage. Native to much of the western deserts. I have seen them in the wild above Bishop in a rainfall area of about 10inches that got to -20 in dec. 1990. Common associated plants are Yucca brev., Stanleya species, Juniper species, Haplopappus lin., and Eriogonum polifolium. Our mother plants have been stable for years in the nursery. Great in a dry desert garden or on the edges of a watered garden. It is very community oriented and will not work well in areas of conifer forests or oaks. I would try it in GRASS, CHAP,CSCR, or in the drier sections of the plains.
Tolerates sand. Great for a bird garden and a butterfly garden. Foliage color is Gray , type is Evergreen , and has fragrance. Flower color is Blue , and has a fragrance.
pH: 6 to 8; Height: 0.5 to 1 [m]; Width: 0.5 to 1 [m]; USDA: 6 to 10;
Rainfall: 24 to 41 [cm]