Submitted by Gabor on 2007, March 31 - 9:32am.Magyar nyelvű olvasók váltsanak nyelvet a bal oldali nyelvválasztó gombbal!
A new portal is borning now ...
Submitted by Gabor on 2007, March 26 - 8:35pm.The portal is renewing now. I am migrating the contents from the old system.
Welcome to my site!
made these pages just as a hobby, good free time play. Most content are about my big hobby, the herb gardening, and there are some pages about my family and friends. If you like the herb plant chili peppers you will find interesting pages or interesting photos, pictures. My garden is a little (2x3m) balcony on the 4th floor, in Budapest (Hungary).

My balcony garden on summer's middle of 2004
Herb plants in my garden from 1996
Basil - Ocimum basilicum, from 1996 every years
Red Rubin - Ocimum basilicum purple, 1999
East Indian Basil, Tree Basil, Vana Tulsi - Ocimum gratissimum, 2003-
Napoletano Basil - Ocimum basilicum var. neapolitanum, 2004
Indonesian Kemangie Lemon Basil - Ocimum var. citriodorum, 2004
Cinnamon Basil - Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon', 2004-
Thai Magic - Ocimum basilicum, 2004-
Mexican Mayo Basil - Ocimum basilicum 'Mayo', 2004-
True greek oregano - Origanum heracleoticum, 2003-
Syrian oregano, Bible hyssop, Za'Atar - Origanum syriacum, 2003-2004
Khirgizstan oregano, Turkish oregano - Origanum tyttanthum, 2003-2004
Oregan - Origanum vulgare, 2001, 2002-2004
Caraway thyme - Thymus herba-barona, 2004-
Garden thyme - Thymus vulgaris, 1996-2001, 2002-
Törpe kerti kakukkfű - Thymus vulgaris compactus, 2000-
Lemon thyme #1 - Thymus citriodorus 'Bertan Anderson', 2002-
Lemon thyme #2 - Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Queen', 2003-
Wild thyme - Thymus serphyllum, 2000-
Albán kakukkfű - Thymus doerfleri, 2002-2004
Chili peppers
Purple - Capsicum annuum v., 2003
de Arbol - Capsicum annuum v., 2004
Bell, Mini Chocolate - Capsicum annuum, 2004-
Jalapeno - Capsicum annuum, 2004-
Peter Pepper - Capsicum annuum, 2004-
Serrano - Capsicum annuum, 2004
Aji, Peru Yellow - Capsicum baccatum, 2004-
Aji, Red - Capsicum baccatum, 2004
Aji, Yellow - Capsicum baccatum, 2004-
Patricias Pepper - Capsicum baccatum, 2004-
Tulipán paprika - Capsicum baccatum, 2003-
Habanero, Long Chocolate - Capsicum chinense, 2004-
Habanero, Manzano - Capsicum chinense, 2004-
Habanero, Yellow - Capsicum chinense, 2004-
Habanero, Red - Capsicum chinense, 2004-
Tabasco - Capsicum frutescens 'Tabasco', 2003-
and others
Chives,snidling - Allium schoenoprasum, minden évben
Garlic Chives - Allium tuberosum, 2000, 2002, 2003-
Aloe - Aloe vera, 2000-
French tarragon - Artemisia dracunculus v. sativa, 2001, 2003, 2004
Borage - Borago officinalis, 2001
Hegyimenta, Mirigyes pereszlény - Calamintha nepeta, 2003-204
Coriander - Coriandrum sativum, 2001
Curry plant - Helichrysum italicum, 2000-
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis, 2001-
Hyssop, pink - Hyssopus officinalis Pink, 2003-
Levendula - Lavandula angustifolia, 2001-
Kerti zsázsa - Lepidium sativum, 2002
Lovage - Levisticum officinale, 2001
Orvosi pemetefű - Marrubium vulgare, 2001-
Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis, 1997, 2001
Peppermint - Mentha piperata, 1996-2000, 2001-
Pineapple mint - Mentha suaveolens, 2001-2002
Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis, 1997-2001, 2000-
Trailing Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis prostratus, 2002-2004
Sage - Salvia officinalis, 2003, 2004
Tri-Color Sage - Salvia officinalis 'Tri-Color', 2000-2001
Clary Sage - Salvia scleria, 2001
Summer savory - Satureja hortensis - 1996
Winter savory - Satureja montana, 2001-
Mountain Mint - Satureja rupestris, 2002-2004
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